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Home > Pass the time of day in a sentence

Pass the time of day in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2019-10-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: the time of daytime of dayat this time of dayat the time oftime of departuretake time offmany's the timepass-through
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1) I was just passing the time of day with her.
2) People like to pass the time of day with neighbours.
3) Just passed the time of day.
4) He passed the time of day with Two Coats the tramp.
5) She and Mungo had already passed the time of day with him.
6) He jumps off waterfalls to pass the time of day.
7) He knew most of the men who used the line and passed the time of day with them.
8) We often pass the time of day each other.
9) They can't even say "good morning" or pass the time of day.
10) They met at the corner and paused to pass the time of day.
11) She stopped by just to pass the time of day.
12) What about short-term commitments simply to pass the time of day with people occupying common space with you?
13) The women would stop in the market to pass the time of day.
14) Just to pass the time of day with him ----( shivers . ) Like a raw wind that gets to the bone .
15) Every morning they pass the time of day by saying " Good morning. "
16) He stopped to pass the time of day with Roland.
17) I heard you at it so I thought I'd pop in and pass the time of day.
18) Although I spoke to him a number of times(,( the time of day.html) it was only to pass the time of day.
19) I was in a hurry, so I didn't even stop to pass the time of day with him.
20) People who live in towns are often too busy to pass the time of day.
More similar words: the time of daytime of dayat this time of dayat the time oftime of departuretake time offmany's the timepass-throughpass throughpass the buck totime offestimated time of arrivaltime of yeartime of lifein less than no timethe timetime of arrivalby the timeof the timeall the timesome time or otherhalf the timebreak of daybehind the timesgo with the timesfor the time beingfor some time pastnumber of dayswhen the time comesthree times a day
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